Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Documentary Response 1

Since arriving in Waterford I have not stopped being amazed. It is so much different than my small hometown. I love that you can see how much the Irish cherish their history through the love they show the historical land marks. One thing that I am happy to see is how bright the buildings are. I have notice that they are extreme friendly here. The saying treat your neighbor as you want to be treated is a major thing not only in Waterford, but for all of Ireland!

One trip that I really enjoyed was the tour of Waterford Crystal. Waterford Crystal started in Waterford city in 1783 (WOW)! It was in a larger factory until about four years ago when they ran into money troubles. In 2010 they open back up in a smaller factory in downtown Waterford. Luck for us they now do tours, YAY! It was a very eye opening tour. I did not realize how much skill it actually took to blow crystal by hand. It was amazing to watch them take a blob of orange crystal and blow it in a beautiful vase.
They have all different jobs that they spend years perfecting. Someone blows the crystal, then cuts off the top, draws on the designs by hand (I would be shaking to much), then finally they cut the designs in. I learned that they use a diamond edge saw to cut the crystal.
We went to Woodstock on the 23rd. This was a beautiful home built in 1745 and did not get done until 1747. However, the main house was burnt in 1922. In the time before it was burned down the head gardener made a huge garden with trees and plants from all over the world. The gardens are still there, but the house is in ruins. For some odd reason my mood was a little off this morning. I found the ruins of the building peaceful and inspiring. I was very deep in to myself and doing some soul searching when I started taking pictures for the ruins and the beautiful scenery!

However The Woodstock Gardens were wonderful. Hook Light house had to be my favorite of all!! Hook Head is one of the oldest lighthouses in the world. It is the oldest operating lighthouse in Ireland! It has stood over 800 years. It sits on the coast the Hook Peninsula in County Wexford, in Ireland. the Atlantic ocean is coming into this coast. It is breath taking sight!!! It was great to watch the water crashing into the cliffs. It made me feel very blessed to be on this trip.


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