Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Documentary Response 4

This past trip we went to Kilkenny which was this beautiful little town. I had so much fun walking down the streets and find neat shops. They had clothing stores I have never seen or been in. The town also had some very nice places to eat.
Our group want several places. However, my favorite was the Butler Museum in the Kilkenny Castle. The exhibit was called Point of no return by Magnhild Opdol. The artist is really into to nature and the death that occurs in nature.

So I am now going to show some of her work and tell you want I believe it to mean. Well here we go...

Fawn; Bronze (Unique), hand blown glass. 2013 Fear of the Unknown

The artist took this worthless plastic toy and casted it into bronze, then sat the fawn by himself, and he is facing another picture called Fear of the unknown. It is a vintage post card where the artist used a black marker and took out the background which only left the two small deer to see. I believe she was trying to get the view to understand how we care more about a piece if it has more value tied to it, because if she had left it the way it was we would look at it and say that's just plastic and move on from that piece. Now the reason she had the fawn standing alone and facing the postcard is to show the he wants to be in a group. That the fawn does not like to stand alone. Then the postcard represents that only two deer together is not as safe as three deer together.

  The Silence After, Pencil on paper, 2013
During the tour I caught myself staring at this piece for a long time. This is actually a scene from the Disney movie Bambi. Magnhild Opdol actually removed all the animals and colors, so it only a creepy grayscale forest. While I looked at this piece I get this deep felling of loneliness. You feel like you are sucked into this drawing and you are the only living thing in the are. It is a nerve racking experience. The name of the drawing gives a lot away, because of she exhibit being about death in nature it fits perfectly. I feel like she was portraying the feeling after an animal has got shoot. The animal is about to die so it is lonely, cold, and is watching the colors fade away. That is way this piece is so powerful!
 Mysteries of Love, Wood and taxidermy roe deer legs, 2011 

 This is my favorite shot of this! Also my favorite piece!

The reason I love this piece so much is because I see the comical side of it. The artist likes to take left over animals and stuff them as her pieces in the shows. I look at this and laugh, because coming from a town where hurting is a big deal. After killing the deer you want the head and the feet. The feet are important. However, these feet are just holding up a worthless piece of wood. It shows that no one life is greater than the other and that even though those feet show how good of a hurter you are when you put a piece of wood there instead of a gun then what is the point. It also sounds how much humans love their guns. They hold them on a very high platforms. I loved this piece so much that I am giving it as a gift to my grandfather who happens to be a very big gun lover.
Just Some Extras:
 The Necessary Lie!!

Invitation of Love

 Just for a laugh!!

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