Sunday, July 14, 2013

Muesum Project!!!

Abstract expressionism is the first movement that truly started in American. Abstract expressionism was started in New York in the 1940's. It was the movement of World War II. In fact New York became the center of western art which had always been in Paris hands. In the United States,  Alfred Barr was the first to used the words, Abstract expressionism, to descried the works of Wassily Kandinsky in 1929. This movement made a big statement, because it broke all the "rules" of painting. The Abstract Expressionist, or the New York School, work followed no techniques or subject matter. The art was all about that human psyches. I choose to do Abstract Expressionism, because how fascinated I am by it. It truly feels like you are looking into the artist mind and soul when you look at an Abstract piece.

The reason I have opened up "The Mind Museum" is to show my community that there is more to art than the basic landscape or portrait. the benefits of seeing this piece can have make the view have a strong reaction to the work. They can look into the piece and maybe see a piece of themselves. On the other hand, they could feel the emotion that is being show the work. Being from a small country town, I know that this museum needs to be opened up in Valdosta, Georgia so that the community can start to view it as art as well. I want it to be easy to see the art and to understand it. Then moment someone says "Wow, I get what is happening in this piece of artwork" or to hear some one say "This might look like a little kid drawing, but I can feel that it is so much more than that" is when I know my museum has been successful.

The entrance fee will be two dollars for child under five, five dollars for students and seniors, and then seven dollars for adults. Instead of having a high admission fee the museum would host parties, charity functions, spoken word poetry nights, and music nights! The Museum would charge more for these events. We would have the art displayed on the walls, however there would be thin case around it to keep the hands off of them. The collections would be stay in the museum for six to eight weeks, then we would get a whole new artist and collections. I would get an ad on the radio, because most of south Georgia people love to listen to the local radio stations. The Grand opening we would have a raffle for free things to do around the town. For example, we would give away a dinner for two at the Mama and Pop's a very famous Italian place in town and then gift cards to a few places around town. The Mind Museum would have a special event one day out of every month where we would have Paint Your Mind nights. You get to paint something and eat dinner for twenty dollars. The meal would be a nice three course meal outside on the patio and smooth jazz playing. Then we would have a Kids Night where child under five are free and they would be able to finger paint on the patio. I like the idea of there being guided tours, however I would want them to go through the exhibit first so they can form their our ideas.

The Mind Museum would be open Monday through Saturdays. During the week we would open at ten in the morning and then close at eight. Then on Saturdays we would open a twelve and close at ten. During the day we would have guided tours going on and we would have a play area for the children so they could paint and play. We want to aim for the museum to be a family place! Where the parents and young adults can relax and soak up the art, while the younger children can play.

Now for the important part of this business plan is the collections. We are so lucky to have got this pieces from some of are private collectors. We have three exhibits that will be here for our grand opening. We have piece from the man that started the movement Wassily Kandinsky. Then we have some of the great De Kooning . Last but not the least is the wonderful Jackson Pollock's famous works! The way we will have the museum set up is that every artist will have one exhibit to themselves. I want to show the visitors how the artist changed over a period of their lives. It is only paintings in this collection, so there will two guides in every room so they can tell them about the artist after the walk around the room first.

The List of pieces we have:
In Wassily Kandinsky
Ravine Improvisation it was made in 1914 with Oil on cardboard, 110 x 110 cm

Black and Violet it was made in 1923
    Contrasting Sound was made in 1924 with
    Oil on cardboard, 70x49.5cm

In Jackson Pollock's:
Blue (Moby Dick) it was made 1943; Gouache and ink on composition board, 18 3/4 x 23 7/8

The She-Wolf made in 1943; Oil, gouache, and plaster on canvas, 41 7/8 x 67 in

Shimmering Substance made in
1946; Oil on canvas, 30 1/8 x 24 1/4 in

Lavender Mist: Number 1 made in
1950; Oil on canvas, Oil, enamel, and aluminum on canvas; 7 ft 3 in x 9 ft 10 in

In De Kooning:
Pink Angels made in 1945. Oil and charcoal on canvas, 52 x 40"

Nude Figure–Woman on the Beach made in 1963. Oil on paper, mounted on canvas, 32 × 26 1/2 inches

...Whose Name Was Writ in Water made in 1975. Oil on canvas, 76 3/4 × 87 3/4 inches

The interior will be very classic and modern. The floors will be beautiful hard world floor and the walls will be an eggshell color. 

This is just an example of how the out line of the museum will be. I would like to spilt into four parts, however I want the exhibits to take up most of the wall area. Then each artist will have a room to themselves and the door ways would be fully open, so that you can still have the feeling of an open space. The art will be hung on to the wall and protected by a thin layer of glass to keep hands from touching it. Then the piece would have one light above to brighten the would thing up. There would be labels beside the painting. The labels would be on touch screen where you can find more information about the history of the piece and the artist. We would carefully taken them out of there cases to clean them once a week in the left over space of the museum.
The Mind Museum would be located in the heart of downtown Valdosta. The downtown is already full of trendy restaurants, clubs, and shops. The museum will have a patio out the backdoor and the patio would be surrounded by beautiful gardens! The flowers are planted in no orderly fashion so you might have a pink, blue, yellow, then red by each other. The lights would not be harsh just a soft calm feeling to the patio. This is were we would host most of our events. The gardens would be open to the public on days where we didn't have special events. It will be a place where  you can come a think about what you just say in the museum. There would be a small cafĂ© under the patio where you can sit and reflect on what you have just seen.
The total experience of The Mind Museum would be a wonderful day trip with friends and family. Our logo would be "Fun for every mind set!"


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